Organisations may have to align their management systems with the structure of the revised standard.
As an example the organization’s quality manual may need to be amended.
A risk management processes may need to be developed to determine the level and extent of control for “external provision of goods and services”, if not already in place. This will have implications for the organisation’s procurement and outsourcing activities and therefore has implications for suppliers.
Auditors will need to become familiar with the revised ISO 9001:2015 standard and so training may need to be considered.
These are just some of the possible effects on the organisation but until the final version is published it will not be possible to definitively know the implications of revised requirements, put in place detailed plans for revising internal processes or procedures, or plan the arrangements for transition or certification to ISO 9001:2015.
The advice for now is to wait and see what the revision process comes up with but if any organisation wishes to have an input into the changes it can do so as part of this process.
In Ireland the NSAI Quality Management Standards Committee (QMSC) is the national forum to review and agree comments on draft Quality standards. Anyone interested in getting involved in the work of the committee should contact
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