Category Archives: Food Safety

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Skill Building in the New World of Work 2021

For the past five years, LinkedIn have conducted a global survey of the state of the workplace with particular emphasis on skill requirements and trends. The much awaited 2021 report is the result of a global survey of 3,080 people managers, 1,210 L&D professionals and 814 le...

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The 6 critical steps to ensure effective delivery of training in your organisation

Training Others – get it Right not Fast….. This is one of the most valuable things I have learnt as a trainer.  Giving the learner the opportunity to learn at their pace, and assuring them that accuracy is the most important objective as speed will come as they repeat the t...

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Visual Analogies – How and when to use them in Technical Writing

Written by Expert Tutor John Lafferty. Read time: 2 minutes For those of you who have been following John’s Technical Writing Tips of the Month, you will be familiar with the “Outside-In Approach” discussed in the Tip of the Month Outside In Approach. In that ti...

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How ISO50009:2021 and Energy Management Groups (EnMGs) impact organisations

Our expert Tutor, Liam Regan explains ISO 50009 which was released in March 2021 and developed as a guidance document to establish a common EnMS, modeled on ISO 50001, focused on the issues that can occur when multiple organisations coordinate their energy management efforts. ISO...

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ISO 45003 – New Guidelines on Psychological Health and Safety at Work and Managing Psychosocial Risks

In this informative article, Industry Expert Tutor, Finbarr Stapleton introduces us to ISO 45003. Research carried out by the European Union Organisation for Safety and Health at Work (ESENER EU-OSHA 2010, 2015, 2019), found that only 20% of European Enterprises inform their empl...

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