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Phew! Decisions, decisions, decisions

Decisions, decisions, decisions or so the saying goes. A wise man once said – there are 3 options in making a decision Make the right decision Make the wrong decision Don’t make any decision and let the decision make itself So no prizes as to which option is the best, but ...

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Don’t confuse Mixture DOE with Factorial DOE and RSM

When undertaking formulation work don’t confuse Mixture DOE’s with Factorial/RSM DOE’s A potential error among DOE practitioners undertaking formulation work is to confuse Mixture DOE with Factorial/RSM DOE’s.  This can lead to unsatisfactory or misleading outcomes. Form...

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Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

With the dollar expected to hit parity with the Euro in the Spring time the US market has never been more appealing for those FBOs currently supplying but also to those planning to do so.  One of President Obama’s legacy achievements will be the Food Safety Modernization Act o...

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Fantastic QQI (FET) Results Yet Again!

Congratulations to all our QQI (FET) students who received their results last week.  89% of students achieved a Distinction.  Special thanks to Denis, Ciaron, Edel, Maura & Gina who supported these students through their assessment to achieve these excellent results. ...

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Tips to Managing Multiple Projects

How many of us have stood in the privacy of our office space, meeting room or personal environment and become anxious about the number of projects that we are asked to manage. Thinking to yourself, all along, that this throughput is not sustainable for your health and then we wal...

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