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What does the Auld Triangle and KPIs (Key Process Indicators) have in common?

In one of my favourite songs (I have been known to belt it out with beer on occasion) the 3rd verse refers to ‘the screw was peeping and the lag was sleeping as he lay weeping for his girl Sal’. The word “Lag” is Dublin slang to mean a prisoner doing (usually) a ...

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Customer Service and being Customer Centric – what is it and how do I develop the Skill?

In my last blog, I wrote about my thoughts and personal definition on what I believe and understand Customer Service to be (I outlined six different behaviours that are essential to develop to be able to deliver excellent Customer Service – and how you can be happy while you do...

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What the new Food Information Regulation means to food businesses – December deadline

The food industry is constantly faced with changes in rules that govern how they produce and market food safely. Back in 2011, the European Commission published a new Regulation called ‘Food Information to Consumers’ which aimed to update and amalgamate rules that had been in...

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Ian Boylan speaks at ISO 50001 Ireland – Dublin – 18 May

We are delighted to announce that our Energy tutor, Ian Boylan, is a keynote speaker at ISO 50001 Ireland in Croke Park on 18 May. This event aims to highlight the challenges and benefits to Irish companies transitioning to the ISO50001 International Energy Standard. Ian presents...

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Integrated Management Systems: Benefits and Constraints

An integrated management system (IMS) refers to the seamless integration of several different standards into a common system that meets the requirements of each of the standards. This allows the organisation to work as a single unit with unified objectives. When integrating sever...

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