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BRC Global Food Safety Standard Issue 6

The recent revision of the Global Food Safety Standard is perhaps the most significant revision to date where an attempt has been made to simplify the standard yet make it more effective at controlling hazards within the manufacturing environment. Many people would be very criti...

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When I ask people who attend my HACCP training courses what feeling do you get in your gut when you hear the word HACCP, a nice warm fuzzy feeling, or a knot? The vast majority, be they the most competent technical manager or a production supervisor who is reluctantly sitting in ...

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Conversion from ISO9001 to ISO22000

It is generally accepted that ISO9001 has passed its ‘sell by’ date for the food industry. A number of companies who have been certified to ISO9001 for the past number of years, are converting their certification to FSSC as Food Safety System Certification, (FSSC = IS...

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Process Validation

The most recent FDA Guidance on Process Validation changes the traditional three validation batch approach. One batch okay was lucky, two batches a fluke & three batches a trend. Anyone involved in manufacturing questioned this as the requirement for three consecutive batches...

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Food and more …

Denis Kiely and his team deliver SQT’s food safety training. When not delivering training Denis is a busy man – recipe testing! Sheila, Denis’ wife has just published her first cookery book, ‘Gimme the Recipe’. Sheila and Denis have six children so...

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