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First deadline of Energy Audit Scheme is growing close for Irish firms

Many firms are well aware at this stage that the first deadline for the Energy Audit Scheme (EAS) is 5thDecember 2015. With many firms having yet to complete these audits there will be in no doubt a rush towards completion in the next few weeks and firms may find it difficult to ...

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Do you need to be more Assertive?

We were recently at a meeting where this question was asked – is our training program ‘How to deal with Challenging People and Situations ‘the same as Assertiveness Training?. This is a good question, and the answer is yes and at the same time not quite. So what...

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Do you see Lean tools used in real life? Why, YES absolutely!

Are you someone who likes to cook or bake?  Do you have a preferred type of recipe book?  I do.  In my case the recipe must have a photograph of the dish I am making.  Why you say, well that is how I know what it is meant to turn out like or at minimum the photograph is a sug...

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ISO 45001 reaches next stage in the process

ISO/PC 283, the Project Committee responsible for the development of the new international Health & Safety management system standard ISO 45001 met for the 4th time in Geneva between the 21st and 25th September 2015. The purpose of this meeting was to agree the version of ISO...

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Benchmarking and DMAIC (Define Measure Analysis Improve Control)

One of the objectives in the Define Phase of DMAIC, the Lean Six Sigma Methodology is to get Project Stakeholders on board and is a fundamental element of the change management aspect. Getting stakeholders on board here involves getting a strong acknowledgement that a problem or ...

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