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ISO 19011 (3 of 4): Audit activities using ISO 19011

This is the third instalment in the ISO 19011 audit series which looks at activities required to successfully prepare for an integrated management audit. In this post we will look at audit activities and elaborate on the graph below: ISO 19011 audit activities Whilst initiating y...

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ISO 14001: What’s the difference?

With the new version of ISO 14001 due to be published in the coming months, we decided to sit down and have a look at the changes that will be made to the new version of the standard and how it will be different to the 2004 version of the standard. With the publication of ISO 140...

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Feedback – Part 2

In the last post, Maire wrote about feedback and the emotional reaction that we can have at the mere mention of it.  Captains of industry have indeed said that if we have the right attitude to it, we expand our awareness and accelerate our growth. This has been proven time and t...

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ISO 45001 moves in the right direction towards publication

DID YOU KNOW?!   Global Health & Safety Stats As organisations are responsible for minimising the risk of harm to both its employees and people affected by their activities, they are under unsurmountable pressure to ensure they manage their occupational health and safet...

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ISO 19011 (2 of 4): Pre-Audit activities using ISO 19011

This is the second installment in the ISO 19011 audit series which looks at activities required to successfully prepare for an integrated management audit. In this post we will look at pre-audit activities and elaborate on the graph below: Scheduling an audit Initial contact is ...

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