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Gauge R&R and Attribute Agreement Analysis as it Applies to Non-Measurement Assessments

Many organizations now undertake Gauge R&R studies on their measuring instruments. However, the facilities now available for undertaking similar studies for non-measurement type instruments, such as Go/No-Go gauges, are less well known. Strictly speaking, the term “Gauge R&...

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What are the Hidden Skills of a Project Manager?

With the increased attention given to leadership in today’s business community, one could argue for the simple substitution of the expression project management with project leadership. You are right to think this but we must also understand there are so many other hidden s...

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5 tips on Managing a Transformation team

How To Avoid Change Failure | Mind The Gap From Change Design To Execution In this article, we discuss the challenges, traps and blind spots facing change and transformation leaders and map out the five things all change programmes need to do to avoid failure.  Our advice is app...

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EN 14971: 2012 Compliance – Treatment of Negligible Risks and Risk Acceptability

In our EN 14971: 2012 blog, we discussed the changes to EN 14971: 2012 in broad terms and we have seen that to comply with the EN version of the standard, manufacturers will have to move away from the ALARP system of risk analysis and evaluation. This will mean significant change...

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A second committee draft (CD2) of the revised environmental management systems standard was published in October 2013 and ISO countries had until 23 January 2014 to vote on whether CD2 should become a draft international standard. CD2 has received overwhelming support from ISO m...

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