ISO 14001:2015 Implementation (EMS)

Home / Environment & Energy Management / ISO 14001:2015 Implementation (EMS)


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This course is designed to provide a step-by-step guide to the implementation of an EMS. It is structured to give participants the knowledge and confidence to design and implement an EMS within their own organisation. The course will incorporate exam... Read More

This course is designed to provide a step-by-step guide to the implementation of an EMS. It is structured to give participants the knowledge and confidence to design and implement an EMS within their own organisation.

The course will incorporate examples and case studies of companies who have successfully achieved ISO 14001, and will be practical in nature. It will also address the latest revision of the standard, ISO 14001:2015.

The course will also be of interest to companies who do not necessarily wish to move towards formal certification of their EMS but who wish to reduce their impact on the environment and incorporate best environmental practices.



What's covered?

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  • Overview and introduction to environmental management.
  • Requirements of ISO 14001:2015
  • Initial environmental review (IER).
  • Scope of EMS.
  • Environmental policy.
  • Significant environmental aspects/issues.
  • Developing objectives and planning to achieve them.
  • Operational control.
  • Competence and communication.
  • EMS audit and review.
  • Environmental legislation and compliance evaluation.
  • Comparison and requirements of standards.
  • Role of third party auditors/certification bodies

If you have access to a copy of ISO 14001, please bring a copy of the standard with you. If you don’t have access, a copy will be provided for you and will be collected at the end of the course.

Who should participate?

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This course will be of interest to anyone in the company who is involved in the design, development and implementation of an EMS and those in the organisation who wish to reduce their impact on the environment.

What will I learn?

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Participants achieve the following learning outcomes from the programme:

  • Understand the elements of an environmental management system such as ISO 14001:2015
  • Understand the requirements of ISO 14001:2015
  • Provide an understanding of environmental aspects and impacts
  • Provide an understanding of environmental objectives and how to achieve them
  • Understand environmental planning and control
  • Understand performance evaluation and corrective action and environmental management review
  • Understand the documentation required by ISO 14001:2015

Who are the tutors?

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How do we train and support you?

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In-House Courses

For In-House courses, the Tutor will contact the Course Organiser in advance to discuss the programme in more detail in order to tailor it specifically to the organisation.

Course Manual

Delegates will receive a very comprehensive course manual.

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Course Code
1 training day
Delivery Mode
This programme is delivered by or In-Company training
stdClass Object
    [primary_category] => ISO 14001 & IEMA
    [primary_slug] => iso-14001-iema
    [categories_slugs] => Array
            [0] => iso-14001-iema

    [parent_categories_slugs] => Array
            [0] => environment-energy-management


News & UpdatesNews & Updates

7 Challenges of Implementing ISO 14001: An Inforgraphic

ISO 14001 has helped thousands of organisations reduce their environmental impact and improve their bottom line. Despite this companies still come up against ob...

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CLAUSE 8.2: Management of change of ISO/DIS 45001

One in a series of occasional blogs on ISO/DIS 45001 Occupational Health& Safety management system. One of the more significant changes proposed in the draf...

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ISO 14001:2015 Implementation (EMS)


ISO 14001:2015 Implementation (EMS)

Duration: 1 day