This course is a taught course over five days. Learners then complete an individual Lean Six Sigma Green Belt project which, using the DMAIC methodology, will realise the project goals and objectives for their company. Learners have up to 6 months following training to complete their final written project report.
This course is highly interactive and uses practical exercises to reinforce tool understanding and learning. The training is enhanced by the vast experience of the tutors who have trained hundreds of Green Belts and Black Belts as well as completing numerous transactional and manufacturing projects themselves.
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training is challenging in terms of content and time requirement. A ‘rule of thumb’ for QQI validated HET (Higher Education and Training) programmes is that one credit is equivalent to approximately 25 ‘learner effort hours’. ‘Learner effort hours’ include training days, time spent at project, time spent studying/reading, learning on the job.
Throughout the training and right through to project completion, Green Belt candidates will receive support and mentoring from their tutor.
Company Support
For companies embarking on a new Lean Six Sigma deployment, a 1 day ‘Introduction to Lean Six Sigma’ and a 2 day ‘Lean Six Sigma Champion’ training is available for company personnel, as required.
Free Access to Online Resources
SQT provide learners with access to a free online platform. The online system provides learners with access to a wealth of learning resources (such as course notes, presentations, additional reading, templates, screen casts and links to useful websites). Learners can also upload assessments and receive feedback from Tutors via the system.
Lean Six Sigma Network
Lean Six Sigma Practitioners will be invited to join the Lean Six Sigma Network where they will receive ongoing support and development in their role as a Lean Six Sigma leader and practitioner, as well as network with other companies rolling out Lean Six Sigma initiatives. Meetings are held quarterly.