Measurement Systems Analysis


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(Advanced Calibration including Gauge R&R)

The calibration process, which is usually well operated in most organizations, does not provide all of the information required as to the health of the measurement process.  The calibration activity, crucially, does not provide information on the va... Read More

The calibration process, which is usually well operated in most organizations, does not provide all of the information required as to the health of the measurement process.  The calibration activity, crucially, does not provide information on the variability in the measurement system. It is essential to know whether the variability of the measuring process is acceptable when compared to the underlying process variability.  This information is provided through a Gauge R&R study.  On this training course participants will learn how to use both the ANOVA and the Average and Range method.

The training course also covers Attribute Agreement Analysis, used to assess whether appraisers are consistent when inspecting for defects (attributes), with themselves, with one another, and with known standards.


What's covered?

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  • Explanation of Measurement System terminology; bias, repeatability, reproducibility, stability, linearity, resolution, discrimination
  • Carrying out a R&R (Repeatability and Reproducibility) study. Detailed step-by- step explanation of how to set up and undertake the study. Classroom exercise calculating and analysing the results of a R&R study using both the ANOVA and the Average and Range method. Plotting the results on the average and range chart to distinguish differences between the operators using the measuring instrument. Comparing the R&R to the process variation and to the specification limits. Explanation of the general rules of acceptability for R&R in a measuring system
  • How to improve the performance of the measurement system when the R&R is excessive.
  • Destructive Gauge R&R – calculation of the gauge R&R when the parts are destroyed during testing – differences between destructive and standard gauge R&R outcomes – the limitations of a destructive gauge R&R
  • Attribute Agreement Analysis – used to assess whether appraisers are consistent when inspecting for defects (attributes), with themselves, with one another, and with known standards
  • Demonstration of Minitab computer software used for analysing R&R studies and Attribute Agreement Analysis

Who should participate?

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  • Staff from organisations registered to the ISO 9001 and ISO/TS 16949 standards
  • Process engineers and technicians
  • Quality engineers and technicians
  • Quality control and quality assurance staff
  • Staff involved in specifying and selecting measuring instruments and measurement systems.
  • Staff involved in calibration
  • Production management

What will I learn?

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Participants achieve the following learning outcomes from the programme;

  • Design, plan, and undertake gauge R&R studies using Minitab software using ANOVA and the Average and Range method
  • Compare statistics from the gauge R&R study against internationally accepted guidelines, and draw conclusions about the acceptability or unacceptability of the instrument under study
  • Demonstrate understanding of Measurement Systems terminology including bias, linearity, stability, repeatability, reproducibility
  • Design, plan, and undertake Attribute Agreement Analysis

Who are the tutors?

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How do we train and support you?

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In-House Courses
For In-House courses, the Tutor will contact the Course Organiser in advance to discuss the programme in more detail in order to tailor it specifically to the organisation.

Course Manual
Delegates will receive a very comprehensive course manual, which explains the terminology and methodology of measurement system analysis.  The manual includes details of how to conduct a R&R (Repeatability and Reproducibility) study, with a worked example, and these detailed instructions could serve as the basis of a procedure for In-House use.

What software do we use?

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Minitab software will be used throughout the training course.  Delegates will need to have Minitab versions 20, 21 or 22. 14 day trial version of Minitab 22 software is available on

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Course Code
1 training day
Delivery Mode
This programme is delivered by or In-Company training
stdClass Object
    [primary_category] => 
    [primary_slug] => 
    [categories_slugs] => Array
            [0] => continual-process-improvement-statistical-applications-minitab

    [parent_categories_slugs] => Array
            [0] => lean-six-sigma-process-project-management-lean-six-sigma


What Our Learner's SayWhat Our Learner's Say

Very enjoyable and I really found the practical assignments very informative and helpful.
ORLA F October 13, 2023

News & UpdatesNews & Updates

It is vitally important that measurement systems are studied using Gauge R&R (Gauge Repeatability & Reproducibility)

All manufacturing organizations nowadays have a comprehensive measurement instrument calibration process in place, and pay a lot of attention to ensuring that t...

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Measurement Systems Analysis


Measurement Systems Analysis

Duration: 1 day