Root Cause Analysis (Problem Solving)


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All organisations in both the manufacturing and service sectors experience problems in their operations. The problems may be technical in nature or may be people related; the problems may be detected within the manufacturing or service organisation o... Read More

All organisations in both the manufacturing and service sectors experience problems in their operations. The problems may be technical in nature or may be people related; the problems may be detected within the manufacturing or service organisation or, more seriously, be identified and reported by the customer. It is important that a well-structured approach to the solution of problems is established. There are well proven methods available to assist organizations to get to the root cause of problems and to develop effective solutions.


What's covered?

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  • Introduction to the principles and disciplines of Root Cause Analysis
  • The tools of Root Cause Analysis
  • Explanation of the techniques of brainstorming in teams
  • The tutor will present the participants with a detailed procedure that is to be followed when they work in teams in the Practical Session.


Practical Session with the Tutor acting as Team Facilitator (Main part of the day)

  • The group of participants will be divided into two teams of approximately 5-6 people, depending on the numbers attending. Each team will be allocated an example of a problem, and that they are to analyze in the practical session.
  • The tutor will provide the participants with a detailed procedure set out as a series of steps that is to be followed as they progress through the analysis. The teams will document their work, in the following typical steps:
    • Detailed specification of the problem
    • Documentation of the background information and evidence that is available including the circumstances surrounding the problem
    • Develop a process flow chart
    • Brainstorming of the causes – the participants will document all possible causes under a number of headings including: Equipment, Methods, People, Materials, Environment
    • The team will discuss each listed possible cause in detail so that each team member has sufficient understanding to enable them to decide on the likelihood of a link between the cause and the problem
    • Short listing of the causes using system of voting provided by the tutor
    • Further detailed analysis of the short list using the 5 Why’s technique.
    • Conclusion as to the most likely root cause(s) of the problem
    • Discussion on the preventive actions to be taken for each of the root causes
    • Documentation of the problem, the root causes, and the recommended corrective/preventive actions

On completion of the team exercises, each team will make a presentation of their work and findings, and the course will finish with a general group discussion on the Root Cause Analysis methodology

Who should participate?

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All personnel who can contribute to the solution of problems that arise in the company’s operations, including Management, Technical and Administrative staff and operatives.

What will I learn?

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Participants achieve the following learning outcomes from the programme;

  • Contribute in teams to the solution of problems that arise in their own work environment
  • Use the problem solving tools to collect and analyse data
  • Lead problem solving teams
  • Demonstrate understanding of the structure of root cause analysis which leads to the satisfactory elimination of problems

Who are the tutors?

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How do we train and support you?

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In-House Courses
For In-House courses the tutor will contact you in advance to discuss the course programme in more detail in order to tailor it specifically for your organisation.

Course Manual
Participants will be provided with a very comprehensive course reference manual, written by the course tutor, which includes worked examples of the use of the quality tools.  The manual includes a detailed description of how a team should undertake an 8D analysis, which could be used as the basis of an In-House procedure, and also includes useful blank forms for use by problem solving teams.

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Course Code
1 training day
Public Price
Virtual Training: €395

(includes course documentation)

Delivery Mode
This programme is delivered by Classroom, Virtual Training, or In-Company training
stdClass Object
    [primary_category] => 
    [primary_slug] => 
    [categories_slugs] => Array
            [0] => continual-process-improvement-statistical-applications-minitab

    [parent_categories_slugs] => Array
            [0] => lean-six-sigma-process-project-management-lean-six-sigma


What Our Learner's SayWhat Our Learner's Say

Well presented course
Miles S November 6, 2024
Very good trainer.
Piotr M November 6, 2024
Found myself time traveling back to when I was at Toyota
John M November 6, 2024
Very good coirse for me
Adam W November 6, 2024

News & UpdatesNews & Updates

Process Flow Charts are an essential tool in Root Cause Analysis

There are several tools used in Root Cause Analysis.  One of the most important is the Process Flow Chart. Problems arise when the process fails to performs it...

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Root Cause Analysis (Problem Solving)

Duration: 1 day

Root Cause Analysis (Problem Solving)

Duration: 1 day
Virtual Training: €395
  • 10 Sep 2025
    Delivery: Virtual Training
    Location: Virtual
    Book Date