Design of Experiments with Minitab Refresher

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The main objective of the course is to refresh use of Minitab software in the design and analysis of experiments.   It is specifically suited for previous attendees of the 3-day Design of Experiments with Minitab course, the Applications of Statist... Read More

The main objective of the course is to refresh use of Minitab software in the design and analysis of experiments.   It is specifically suited for previous attendees of the 3-day Design of Experiments with Minitab course, the Applications of Statistics with Minitab course, or other special courses involving DOE. Attendees who have booked on the course, will be invited to submit to the tutor in advance of the training course, particular DOE features that they wish to have covered on the programme. The tutor will aim to address these features as far as is practicable.


What's covered?

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  • Review of DOE principles with several case studies involving up to 10 factors
  • Testing for significant effects with half normal and Pareto plots
  • Using the Optimiser in Minitab to find best settings of the factor levels
  • Blocking in DOE- When to block
  • How to reduce the number of runs and increase the number of factors using Fractional Factorial designs
  • Detecting faulty runs using Residual Analysis
  • Response Surface Methodology (RSM) – Optimisation with multiple responses
  • The Do’s and Don’ts of designing experiments

Who should participate?

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  • Previous attendees on 3-day Design of Experiments with Minitab course, the Applications of Statistics with Minitab course, or other special courses involving DOE.

What will I learn?

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Participants will, on completion of the course, be able to:

  • Plan designed experiments to include appropriate factors and responses
  • Analyse factor effects and interaction effects using Minitab software
  • Minimize the number of runs using Fractional Factorial designs
  • Interpret the outcome of designed experiments so as to choose factor settings for optimum process performance
  • Use Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to model the relationship between factors and multiple responses.

What are the entry requirements?

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Applicants must have completed one of the following SQT courses:

  • 3-day Design of Experiments with Minitab
  • Applications of Statistics with Minitab
  • or another special course involving DOE

If you have queries regarding your eligibility, please contact a member of our team who will advise you.

How do we train and support you?

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Course Manual
Delegates will receive a course manual, with analysis of several case studies, and instructions for the Minitab exercises and examples of Minitab output.  The course manual will provide a useful reference for participants undertaking design and analysis of experiments with Minitab, when they return to their workplace.

What software do we use?

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Minitab software will be used throughout the training course.  Delegates will need to have Minitab versions 20, 21 or 22. 14 day trial version of Minitab 22 software is available on

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Course Code
1 training day
Public Price
Virtual Training: €395

(includes course documentation)

Delivery Mode
This programme is delivered by Classroom, Virtual Training, or In-Company training
stdClass Object
    [primary_category] => Refresher Programmes
    [primary_slug] => refresher-programmes
    [categories_slugs] => Array
            [0] => refresher-programmes

    [parent_categories_slugs] => Array
            [0] => continual-process-improvement-statistical-applications-minitab


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Design of Experiments with Minitab Refresher

Duration: 1 day

Design of Experiments with Minitab Refresher

Duration: 1 day
Virtual Training: €395
  • 20 Oct 2025
    Delivery: Virtual Training
    Location: Virtual
    Book Date