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At SQT Quality Assurance is embedded in all aspects of the organisation. QA therefore spans both corporate (human resources, finance, health and safety etc.) and academic domains (teaching, assessment, curriculum, learning environment, student support services etc.).

Should you have any queries in relation to any aspect of our quality assurance system please do not hesitate to contact Lorraine Halpin–Foley, Director of Quality and Academic Affairs.

Quality Reports

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QQI Reengagement

Re-engagement is the term used by QQI to describe the arrangements for maintaining relationships with legacy providers until new quality assurance arrangements have been approved by QQI. SQT successfully re-engaged with QQI in 2019, the report is available at this link.


QQI Programme Review and Revalidation

Programme review is a provider-owned quality assurance procedure that addresses a single programme or group of related programmes. SQT sucessfully revalidated it’s suite of Lean Six Sigma programmes in 2021. Click here to access the report of the Expert Panel and SQT’s response.


QQI Annual Quality Reports (AQR)

The Annual Quality Report (AQR; formerly AIQR) forms part of Quality and Qualifications Ireland’s (QQI) quality assurance (QA) framework of engagement with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

The AQR provides documentary evidence of the development and evolution of each institution’s internal quality system. It provides QQI with assurance that internal QA procedures have been established and are being implemented consistent with regulatory requirements. SQT’s AQR reports are available on the links below.

2022 AQR

2021 AQR





Policies and Procedures

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1. Governance and Management of Quality

QAP1-1 Quality Assurance Policy

QAP1-2 SQT Governance

QAP1-3 Risk Management

QAP1-4 Strategic Planning

2. Documented approach to Quality Assurance

QAP2-1 Ongoing Review and Update of QA Documents

3. Programmes of Education and Training

QAP3-1 Development and Validation of Programmes  QQI

QAP3-2 Updating Programmes and Course Material

QAP3-3 Access, Transfer and Progression QQI

QAP3-4 Recognition of Prior Learning  QQI

4. Staff Recruitment, Management and Development

QAP4-1 Recruitment and Induction of Teaching Staff

QAP4-2 Peer Review of Teaching Staff

QAP4-3 Monitoring the Effectiveness of Teaching Staff

QAP4-4 Professional Development of Teaching Staff

5. Teaching and Learning

QAP5- 1 Teaching and Learning Policy

6. Assessment of Learners

QAP6-1 Assessment of Learners  QQI

7. Supports for Learners

QAP7-1 Approval and Monitoring of Venues

QAP7-2 Supports for Reasonable Accommodation

QAP7-3 Personal Mitigating Circumstances

QAP7-4 Protection of Enrolled Learners  QQI

QAP7-5 Complaints

QAP7-6 Academic Appeals

QAP7-7 Non-Standard Course Completion QQI

8. Information and Data Management

QAP8-1 Information Management Policy

QAP8-2 Data Protection Policy

QAP8-3 Management of Data Breaches

QAP8-4 Subject Access Requests

9. Public Information and Communication

QAP9-1 Public Information and Communication

10. Other parties involved in Education and Training

QAP 10-1 Other parties involved in Education and Training

11. Self-Evaluation, Monitoring and Review

QAP11-1 Ongoing Monitoring or Programmes and QA Framework

QAP11-2 Periodic Programme Review and Revalidation of Programmes  QQI

QAP11-3 External Cyclical Review (QQI Institutional Review)  QQI